Two weeks ago, we had our first Spiritual Disciplines Retreat for Adults, and I want to share some of my reflections of how I saw God at work: 1)…
The changing of seasons brings excitement. We have been blessed with rain and cooler weather. Fall is officially here; change is coming. We anticipate with excitement the future and at…
Why are you here today? This is a question that I think we are aware of the answer to but one that one do not ask enough. Do you know…
Last weekend was the College Ministry Fall Retreat, and it was an awesome experience! We went to Lake Granbury, where Jim and Dana Sager generously allowed us to use their…
According to the latest research, 82% of people would say “Yes!” if they were invited to church, yet only 2% of church-goers invite an unchurched person to church. Next Sunday…
He was always different. His interests were different. He wanted to write poetry or play his harp while his seven brothers loved to roughhouse or play soccer. His appearance…
Richard Beck, in his book Stranger God, writes: “Hearts aren’t easily changed. You can’t change hearts with pep talks, protests, podcasts, Facebook rants, tweets, or a really good sermon. Hearts…
An experiment was done several years ago to see the effect hope has on those undergoing hardship. Two sets of laboratory rats were placed in separate tubs of water. The…
Summer is coming to an end and I feel like it was a whirlwind. Everything moved so quickly I can barely remember what happened and now it seems like I…
The renowned scientist and philosopher Archimedes famously said “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth.” I would argue that, in our world, college ministry possesses…
A minister in the Midwest, John Piper, battled prostate cancer a dozen years ago and wrote an open letter to his church about his battle. He shockingly said that one…
Summertime brings back quite a few memories for me. As a kid I would go to summer camps that the youth group would offer, one specific being Camp Blue Haven….
Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. — Romans 13:14 Several weeks ago, Lauren and I took…
In January of this year, Britain appointed its first “Minister for Loneliness.” We live in a time and a society where loneliness is on the rise. Vivek Murthy, former surgeon…
Hannah and I met in college and got engaged in the summer after our sophomore year. I worked all summer at a church in Missouri to save up enough money…
One of the subtle themes in the book of Hebrews is the tension between what is visible and what is invisible. The Christians were committed to following Jesus, but they…
Many long-time churchgoers recognize Matthew 28:18-20 as “the great commission.” It is here that Jesus tells his apostles (and all of us, as modern disciples of Christ) to “go and…
King Solomon would have made an incredibly interesting guest on a TV talk show. He wrote songs, wrote insightful proverbs, could talk intelligently about trees, animals, insects, fish, architecture, horses,…
Written by Tanner Stone If you were to come up to me and ask me what I am struggling with right now, my answer would be “fear.” I’m afraid of…
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be…
Tonight is Senior Sunday for the graduating class of 2018. Each year we come together for one night to celebrate the time that we have spent with each of the…
Last weekend, the College Ministry group spent some time debriefing, reflecting, and sharing blessings from the school year as it came to a close. This was a very affirming and…
“But his mother treasured all these things in her heart…” (Lk. 2:51) This month at Southside, we are focusing on singing and the hope that comes from praising God in…
Several blocks south of the Southside Church building are Daggett Middle School, Daggett Park, Daggett Montessori and E.M. Daggett Elementary. Captain Ephraim Merrill Daggett was a hero of the Mexican…
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James…