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Minister's Corner

Archimedes & the Apostle Paul on Campus

By August 9, 2018No Comments

The renowned scientist and philosopher Archimedes famously said “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth.” I would argue that, in our world, college ministry possesses Archimedes’ lever. If we want to see the world changed by the power of the Gospel, the university campus is a clear place to stand. College campuses currently contain those who are most likely to be our future leaders, teachers, politicians, and influencers – imagine the impact of reaching people in one of their most malleable life stages with the good news of the Gospel.

When the Apostle Paul traveled on his missionary journeys, he often went to hubs of knowledge in each city he visited. Wherever people were willing to learn new things, that’s where Paul went. He was the original “campus minister”! I want to capture this missional spirit and emphasize the importance of reaching today’s learners. Over half of Christians who were active in church during high school will fall away during college. Those college students will ultimately wind up spread all around the world – what if, instead of losing them, we could launch them into God’s mission on campus and beyond.

College students who learn and experience the value of being engaged in a
community of faith will grow into parents, teachers, and leaders who pass along their love for the Church. Let’s show them how valuable that is.

“If we can win the campus today, we will win the world tomorrow”
– Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ

In case you can’t tell, I am incredibly excited for the start of another school year and the opportunities that brings. I hope some of my excitement is contagious as we come alongside God to reach campuses and students near us! Please pray fervently with me as we head into Fall 2018 – pray that God will send us students, that we will reach campuses, and that our current students will have a burning desire to share the Gospel with others. Here are some important things coming up for the college ministry:

Welcome Week 2018 Square

College Day 2018 Square


Click here to check out the College Ministry webpage and learn more!

Chris Jeter

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