Steve and Yvonne Bennett are second mile people. During their sixty years of marriage their lives have exemplified the teachings of Christ in Matthew 5:41-42 about sacrificial care for others, or “going the second mile” as Jesus called it.

Image by Olaf Growald (
The Bennetts moved to Fort Worth and worshiped at the old Riverside congregation, then Midtown, then Heritage before coming to Southside. What they so admire about Southside is its very heartbeat of seeing our community as a mission field. They speak of the long arms of Southside that embrace the diversity that surrounds us.
What the Bennetts see in Southside is the very attribute that most characterizes their own lives. Yvonne says that “people are my hobby”. The Bennetts have welcomed numerous children and adults into their home through the decades who were navigating through financial, family, or personal crisis. They actually raised three children as their own who they met through the bus ministry at Midtown! All this in addition to raising their own three – Steve, Richard, and Cindy.
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For several years in the 80’s Steve was actually on the staff of the Midtown church as “Minister of Community Care” working full time with their benevolence program. Many baptisms resulted from this outreach. They loved the great preachers on the north side of Cowtown such as Bill Long, George Tipps, Wyatt Sawyer, and Jim Hackney.
In Psalms 68:6 we read that God “makes a home for the lonely”. For 50 plus years that address has been the modest, welcoming home of Steve and Yvonne Bennett on the north side of town.
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